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Ethics Chanel

In accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023 of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption, Dos Santos S.A.U. provides an internal reporting system to anonymously report any matter, situation, conduct or extreme of which there is evidence or well-founded suspicion that violates the law.

The purpose of the ethics channel is to provide adequate protection against retaliation by individuals who report actions or omissions that may constitute breaches of European Union law or violate the law.

The management of the channel is carried out by a third party outside the entity with the corresponding authorization and impartiality. Those who manage this channel will receive the report or complaint, and on the basis of this may carry out the pertinent investigation and investigation, for which it is vital that the informant provides as much information and evidence as possible for its assessment.

In this link you will find the access to the channel where, through a simple and intuitive form, you will be able to communicate and follow up the communication.


Dos Santos, S.A.U. shows its commitment to transparency and corporate ethics favoring with our ethical channel the regulatory compliance of our organization in order to generate a climate of trust inside and outside it. Therefore, we welcome any type of communication that allows us to correct deficiencies and improve as an entity.

Description of the use of the channel and principles of the management procedure

The following link will allow you to download the user manual, which contains detailed information on the platform and the main principles of the management procedure: